骑士文学 > 穿越从泰拉瑞亚开始 > 第十五章 死星设计图纸

第十五章 死星设计图纸

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    imperial star destroyer 帝国歼星舰















    kuat drive yards




    the triangur silhouette of an imperial ruiser has ome a long way sine its republi-inspired design while vessels of the jedi order were met with feelings of pride and relief as they ame soaring to solve gati strife, the imperial star destroyer039s gargantuan size leary inspires both awe and terror


    the wedge-shaped apital ship is bristling with weapons empements turbosers and trator beam projetors dot its surfae its ventral bay an unh tie fighters, boarding raft, nd assault units, hyperspae probes, or be used to hold aptured raft its bustling bridge is staffed by the finest rewers in the imperial starfleet


    the star destroyer is reognized as the signature vessel of the imperial fleet its presene in a system marks matters of extreme imperial import though, as is typial of the empire, not even the star destroyer was enough to sate the imperial hunger for dispys of power rger vessels, suh as the super star destroyer, dwarf even these giants



    lira wessex, imperial engineer, built her work on the shoulders of giants her father, walex blissex, had developed the venerable vitory-ss star destroyer for the republi, as well as numerous other starraft designs from these, wessex proposed the imperial-ss design, a proposal that was debated at great lengths within the empire039s elite ranks


    wessex proved the nay-sayers wrong when the first imperial-ss star destroyer lumbered from the sprawling kuat drive yards drydoks the resulting ship is a marvel of tehnology, and testament to the empire039s might


    there are whole systems whose gross domesti produt is less than the ost of a single star destroyer there are entire nations that, throughout their history, do not expend as muh energy as a star destroyer does during a hyperspae jump powering the 16 kilometer-long raft is nothing short of a miniature sun -- a sor ionization reator bulges from the ventral spine, using its raging fires to fuel the giant warship






    the imperial-ss star destroyer bristles with 60 turboser batteries, 60 ion annon batteries, and 10 trator beam projetors it arries a full stormtrooper division, 20 at-ats, 30 at-sts, eight mbda-ss shuttles, 12 nding barges, and six tie sadrons


    sine its introdution, an improved model of star destroyer also saw ation the imperial-ii star destroyer is an upgraded model with inreased hull shielding, and more weapons, sporting 100 turboser empements, 20 ion annons, and 10 trator beam projetors



    in the sript for a new hope, the term “imperial ruiser“ was rgely synonymous with star destroyer, whih is never said aloud until the empire strikes bak in early draft sripts, the term stardestroyer (as a ompound word) desribed tiny two-man fighter raft used by the empire


    for a new hope, ilm used a single star destroyer model for all the reired shots in the film ironially, the model of the devastator, darth vader039s ship, was smaller than the rebel blokade runner it was hasing this 91-entimeter long miniature sported a distintive x-shaped struture on its ommand bridge, whih subseent publiations identified as an advaned trator beam grid


    sine the star destroyer would be heavily featured in the empire strikes bak, ilm redid the model from srath, this time bumping up its size to an impressive 259 entimeters in length this model was muh more detailed, and featured internal lights to give it a greater sense of sale


    episode ii reveals that the imperial star destroyer039s wedge-shaped design was born out of republi-era vessels, suh as those used by the jedi knights




    imperial theta-ss shuttle 帝国“西塔级”穿梭机


    185 meters long 185 meters tall




    2 ad ser annons 1 aft ser annon




    gati empire




    elite personnel transport




    ygnus spaeworks




    the politial instability




    surrounding the lone wars prompted the republi039s most important leaders to travel in well-armed onveyanes, in order to thwart would be assassins and kidnappers during his asension to emperor, palpatine traveled in a distintive tri-winged shuttle that was a harbinger of imperial design trends to ome


    the elegant ship featured an artiuted wing system that deployed the wings in a spyed, teral onfiguration during flight during desent and nding, the wings folded upwards, to allow the nding skids to extend from the bottom of the raft


    palpatine flew in this vessel during his voyage to mustafar, to reover the ruined form of his apprentie, darth vader



    rafted by ygnus spaeworks, the theta-ss t-2 is a well armed raft, sporting two forward-mounted ad ser annons and an aft ser annon its broad wing surfaes distributed powerful defletor shield energy, making the vessel remarkably tough


    palpatine039s personal shuttle underwent ustomization by the finest starship tehniians in the gaxy the so-alled “warthan039s wizards“ installed a hyperwave refletor-based transmission and reeiver rig to keep palpatine in touh with developments aross the gaxy the vessel was also lined with sensor masks that prevented sanners from peering inside the shuttle039s private abins inside were a trove of sinister sith devies and onotions designed to bend the will of vitims and strengthen palpatine039s onnetion to the dark side


    in the early years of the empire, talented designers at ygnus spaeworks were lured to the sienar fleet systems orporation, where they adapted their older designs into the mdba-ss shuttles used by imperial offiials



    the emperor039s shuttle was learly designed as a harbinger to the mbda-ss shuttles seen in the original trilogy the tri-wing design was made less angur, with a less aggressive okpit to soften the obviousness of its role as a vilin039s transport the only pratial element of the shuttle onstruted was its boarding ramp, whih was shot against greensreen for the sene of emperor palpatine emerging with anakin skywalker039s harred body on orusant
